European Information Security
Promotion Programme
Contract nº IST - 2001 - 35200

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EISPP Common Advisory Format Description

This document describes a corner stone of the EISPP approach towards supplying SMEs with security advisories: a common advisory format, which will enable an easy exchange of advisory data between the four CERTs participating in EISPP. The advisory format merges the best-practice information regarding security advisories of these four CERTs.

The format is defined using XML, so the various standards and standard tools of the XML-family can be used for advisory processing.

New Version of the EISPP Common Format

Common Advisory Format Description (version 2.0)

Annex: Common Format Value List (version 2.0)
Annex 2: Document Type Definition file (version 2.0) *

Version history
2002/10/23common advisory format v1.0
2003/02/06common advisory format v1.1
2003/03/28common advisory format v1.2

(*) Note: this is a text file. If you want to use this file, please remove the .txt extension.

EISPP Results

This document is the final project report providing a view on the initial motivations, the project development and the project results of EISPP. It also feeds on the comments from a review done by an external expert, a FIRST Steering Comittee Member.

EISPP Results (Version 1.0)

CEISNE model and processes

This document defines a road map for establishing CEISNE within the European CERT community. It draws on experiences collected in the experimentation phase, regarding both infrastructure and processes for co-operation. The road map is most likely to succeed if it can be implemented under the auspices of an already well-established association of CERTs such as TERENA TF-CSIRT.

CEISNE model and processes (Version 1.0)

EISPP SME Service Description

This document describes the security services provided by EISPP to SMEs. The description of the services covers their key elements, the basic technologies that are used, formats and protocols, PKI-technologies used, and requirements for SMEs to use the service.

SME service description (Version 2.0)

EISPP CERT workshop conclusions

This document gives the point of view of non-EISPP CERTs about EISPP, detailing their thoughts gathered at a CERT workshop held in Warsaw on May the 28th 2003. The information exchange done at this meeting will influence in some way future workpackage 3 performance.

CERT workshop conclusions (Version 1.0)




Last Change 25/05/2004
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